
Computational Biophysics and Bioinformatics

Professor Emil Alexov Group


Journal Articles by B. Atanasov

M. Miteva, E. Alexov, and B. Atanasov
Numerical simulation of aldolase tetramer stability
European biophysics journal, 28(1), 67-73, 1998
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E. Alexov, B. Atanasov, and T. Ueki
Anisotropic behavior of the pH dependence part of Young's modulus in a lysozyme triclinic crystal
Biopolymers: Original Research on Biomolecules, 35(5), 513-522, 1995
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E. Alexov and B. Atanasov
Selective absorption of radio frequency energy due to collective motion of charged domains: case of lysozyme crystal
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 13(2), 219-228, 1995
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E. Alexov and B. Atanasov
Analysis of electrostatic interactions in ribonuclease A monoclinic crystal
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology, 1206(1), 55-62, 1994
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