Dear Users: Please do not submit large PDB files that require protonation with DelPhiPKa. This causes significant computation and affects the work of other users. Instead, download the stand-alone version of DelPhiPKa and create a PQR file. Thank you for understanding.
Remember, DelPhi webserver uses DelPhiPKa to add protons according to user specified pH. Hence, Delphi jobs may take hours to complete if the PDB file has more than 50 titratable residues, due to DelPhiPKa assessment of protonation states. Please be patient.
If you want the calculations to be fast, provide a PQR file instead.
DelPhi is a protein electrostatics program, originally developed in Dr. Barry Honig's lab and currently being maintained by Delphi Development team. It utilizes a finite difference method to solve the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for biomolecules and objects within a given system. Its benefits lie in the ability to solve linear or non-linear PB equations while being fast, versatile, and accurate. This webserver provides with an easy, straight-forward, and step-by-step process for using DelPhi for your own interests. Standalone Delphi package is available free of charge for download here.
A quick overview of how everything works:
DelPhi is running on Clemson University's Palmetto Supercomputer cluster. We would like to thank the Palmetto team for hosting this service. We also would like to acknowledge NIH-Grant# 1R01GM093937for supporting this work.
Finally, If these results appear in published papers, we ask humbly to include a reference to our service as defined here.
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