
SAMPDI-3Dv2: Predicting protein-DNA binding free energy change upon mutations

Emil Alexov Group


Users can download a sample protein-DNA complex structure file: 1az0.pdb (complexed chains: A, C, D), along with a corresponding protein mutation list file, and/or 3wpd.pdb (complexed chains: A, C) with a DNA mutation list file, to execute the provided examples. For conducting protein or DNA mutation effect predictions in single mode, users can input a single mutation row from the list and use the single mode form for predictions.

SAMPDI-3Dv2 predicts the effect of mutations in either proteins or DNA on protein-DNA binding. Mutations can occur in:

  1. Protein, or
  2. DNA.
For each case, SAMPDI-3Dv2 supports two operational modes:
  1. Single mode: For predicting the effect of a single mutation.
  2. Multiple mode: For analyzing the effects of multiple mutations.
Both modes are demonstrated in the examples provided.

SAMPDI-3Dv2 predicts the effect of mutation of protein or DNA on protein-DNA binding. The mutation can be in (1). protein or in (2). DNA, each of the two cases has two different modes: Single mode, and multiple mode, both are exemplified below.

User Input for Protein Mutations (1) as shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Example for protein mutation input form.

Single Mode
The Single mode allows users to submit a single mutation for prediction by selecting the radio option (3). Once all fields (5–11) are completed, submit the form by clicking Submit (12). Upon successful submission, a result box will appear with a link to the result page (13). Clicking the result link will take you to the results page, where the progress of the job is displayed. Once the job is complete, the results will be shown, with the layout for protein mutation results presented in Figure 2.

Multiple-Mutation/Batch Mode
The Multiple-Mutation/Batch Mode option (4) allows users to analyze a list of single mutations in batch. When this mode is selected, the right-hand form (shown in Figure 1) becomes active, while the left-hand form is disabled. After completing all fields (14–17), submit the form by clicking Submit (18). Upon successful submission, a result box will appear with a link to the result page (19). Clicking the result link will take you to the results page, where the progress of the job is displayed. Once the job is complete, the results will be shown, with the layout for protein mutation results presented in Figure 2.

Results for single amino acid mutation in protein.


Figure 2. Example output for protein mutation. (1) column names of the result table and their definitions. (2) result data table, each rows represents a single mutation. (3) The result table can be downloaded as a text file by clicking this link and saving. (4) The files for mutant protein-DNA complex created and used for predictions ca be downloaded from this link.

User Input for DNA Mutations (1) Figure 3.


Figure 3. Example inputs and outputs for DNA mutation.

Single Mode
The Single Mode allows users to submit a single mutation for prediction (see Figure 3, (2)). Once all fields (4–10) are completed, users can submit the form by clicking Submit (11). Upon successful submission, a result box will appear, as shown in Figure 3 (12).

Multiple-Mutation/Batch Mode
The Multiple-Mutation/Batch Mode option (3) allows users to analyze a list of single mutations in batch (see Figure 3). After completing all fields (14–17), users can submit the form by clicking Submit (18). Upon successful submission, a result box will appear, replacing the area marked as (19) in Figure 3.

Copyright © Computational Biophysics and Bioinformatics - Emil Alexov Group.